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Churchill Academy & Sixth Form

Become an Academy Governor

Our Community and Parent Governors reflect the richness and diversity of the Academy.

As a governor, you will play a key role in shaping the future of the Academy for our students, staff and community. By working together, we want you to bring an outside perspective to help support and challenge us as we implement strategies and provisions. 

You will work in partnership with the other governors to form the Academy’s Local Governing Body (LGB). The LGB is responsible for providing confident strategic leadership, and robust accountability, oversight and assurance over the Academy’s educational and financial performance. 

The Local Governing Body meets six times a year, with one meeting allocated to each term. All of our governors are volunteers and donate their time and skills to support and guide the Academy in its pursuit of school improvement. Governors are imperative to the Academy and we value the governing body greatly. 

How to apply

If you are interested in becoming a governor, please email the Clerk, Mrs Emily Hamill at for further information.