Year 9 Students hear The Blunt Truth about Knife Crime
As part of PSHE, our Year 9 students had workshops with representatives from The Blunt Truth, which is a collaboration between the Avon and Somerset Police and the NHS that aims to educate the next generation about the consequences of knife crime, both in a criminal and a health context.
The students heard from Army reserves and ambulance staff who taught them about the dangers of carrying a knife and the importance of reporting knife crime, and discussed how knife crime impacts lives.
The one-long workshop also provided a practice element, allowing students to learn lifesaving First Aid skills and on how to deal with a knife wound.
This was a really insightful workshop and we want to say a big thank you to The Blunt Truth for visiting us.
If you want to find out more information or you are worried or have been affected by knife crime, please visit their website.