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Churchill Academy & Sixth Form

Careers Education

The Careers Leader at Churchill Academy & Sixth Form is Hannah Sheppard, Assistant Headteacher for Sixth Form and Careers. 

You can contact Careers via the details below:

Phone: 01934 854 073

The Careers Programme: Overview

At Churchill Academy & Sixth Form we develop the skills, character and experience that students need to succeed in later life and make a positive difference to our society. Surrounding our curriculum, extra-curricular activities, behaviour system and our pastoral care are core values of kindness, curiosity and determination that help to develop our students, along with their families and the wider community, into the citizens of tomorrow.  These elements of character education are intrinsically linked with career readiness.  In addition to this network of personal development there are explicit events, activities and programmes that provide the ‘lightbulb’ moments such as visits to businesses, enterprise activities, employers and Higher Education visits to the Academy, and a wide enrichment programme.  Over the course of seven years, from Year 7 to 13, there are a wide range of activities, events and core skills that knit our Careers Programme together. 

The Careers Programme: Aims

Key Stage 3
  • To understand about different careers, the workplace and labour market information
  • To develop career competencies and skills, identifying strengths and weaknesses
  • To understand how the curriculum links to different careers
  • To make informed choices in transition from KS3 to the KS4
Key Stage 4
  • To review and develop links between curriculum and career pathways
  • To be able to communicate experience and skills (e.g. CVs and letters of application)
  • To develop career competencies and skills, building upon strengths and weaknesses 
  • To experience the workplace and the world of work through first hand opportunities
  • To understand the different pathways for post-16 choices such as apprenticeships, colleges, Sixth Form and prepare for transition after Year 11
  • To prepare for and to make a secure transition from Year 11 into Post 16 pathways
Key Stage 5
  • To develop career competencies and skills, building upon strengths and weaknesses
  • To gain experience of the workplace and careers that are relevant to the student’s field of study or interest through first hand opportunities
  • To develop a clear understanding of the different pathways for post-18 choices
  • To prepare for and to make a secure transition from Sixth Form into Post 18 pathways

Year 11 and 13 Destinations Information

The impact of our Careers Programme is measured primarily in the destinations of our students and their transition from key phases.  Factors such as percentages of NEETs (young people Not in Education, Employment or Training) and progression to apprenticeships, Further Education colleges, Sixth Form, University and employment are assessed and evaluated to ensure the programme is meaningful and relevant.  Other data through the form of surveys are taken at regular points to evaluate the effectiveness of specific events and processes.  Therefore the impact of the Careers Programme is strong.  This is evidenced by sustained secure transition from the Personalised and Advanced phases, lower than average NEETs and students progressing into aspirational occupations or higher education.

Click here for the latest Destination Data document.

The Careers Programme: Evaluating the impact on students

The Careers Programme is evaluated systematically with annual reviews, interrogation of intended and actual destination data, evaluation against the Gatsby benchmarks and satisfaction surveys to evaluate the quality of our provision.  The evaluations are shared with school leaders to inform planning and continual self-improvement of the provision.

Getting Information, Advice and Guidance

We have our own Careers Advisor at Churchill Academy. Please email to request an appointment.

Careers in the Curriculum

Careers learning is embedded across our Curriculum from Years 7 to 13.  This happens through explicit links to career choices, through the development of skills that are needed for a student's future and the breadth of wider curriculum opportunities available.  All subjects teach how their subjects lead to different career pathways, supported by the PSHE and Pastoral Programmes and specific Year group days that help prepare students for their transition into Key Stage 4 and 5.

Provider Access Policy

We provide students with information about different pathways, particularly at transition points such as the GCSE Options process in Year 9,  post 16 and post 18 choices. We ensure that all of our students are aware of all of their options, including Technical Education pathways, and our Provider Access Policy can be found here. 

If you are an education provider and would like to have access to our students to publicise a technical education pathway please read our policy and contact us through


Work Experience Information

Year 10 Work Experience is from Monday 7th to Friday 11th July 2025.  Please see the Year 10 Curriculum Evening presentation for further details and the Work Experience Guide for Students & Families which can be accessed here. Placements are to be  in person and should be confirmed with employers and added by students to their unifrog accounts before Easter in order to complete health & safety and consent processes in time.

Year 12 Work Experience takes place during the week commencing 14th July 2025. Year 12 students are permitted to arrange work experience at a different time of the year instead, if it is more convenient, although this must be during holiday time. Sixth Formers arrange their placements through Unifrog, using the Placements tool. Work experience placements are usually in person, however Virtual Work Experience provides a range of opportunities too.  Students may opt for a blend of both. 

World of Work Day

Year 10 World of Work Day is when we bring the world of work to the Academy, with multiple employers coming in to run activities. Students will hear about careers and take part in related activities where they build employability skills. 

Careers Convention 

Our annual Careers Convention is a great opportunity for students of all ages to meet and talk to a range of employers; Higher Education, Further Education, Technical Education and Sixth Forms in a single encounter. Visit our Careers Convention page to learn more about the event.  

Information, Advice and Guidance

Suzie McGonigal is our Information, Advice and Guidance specialist.  Suzie is employed by the Academy to give independent advice to support the needs of each individual; impartiality and independence is a key principle of her role.

As a Level 6 qualified Careers Adviser she offers one to one careers guidance interviews for all students from Years 7-13, delivers careers sessions through lessons and organises careers events.  Suzie’s background is in industry, including BUPA, Capita, working with private and public sector clients in the healthcare, retail, construction and transport sectors.  As an ex Clubman rally driver and a horse rider, she can usually find something of interest to connect with our students!

You can get in touch with Suzie McGonigal if you would like to arrange a careers appointment, ask about a careers event or discuss opportunities for business engagement with the Academy by emailing:

This information was updated in September 2024 and is updated annually.