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Churchill Academy & Sixth Form

Art Textiles*

Fine Art Textiles is a perfect way for students wishing to extend and develop their Art and Textiles skills from GCSE, studied in a more independent way and to greater depth. Throughout the course students will expand and develop their existing skills and explore a variety of traditional and experimental techniques to produce outcomes that range from textiles products, garments and textile art.

Students will be encouraged to develop their work independently based upon their individual interests and the brief assigned to them. The course will be enriched with opportunities for observational drawing, life drawing, and gallery visits. The course encourages students to recognise the need to communicate and express ideas visually and to be able to project plan and problem solve. Skills which are desired in all professions.

Course Information
Course Name: Art and Design. Fine Art/ Textiles
Course Type: A Level
Examination/Coursework: 60% Coursework. 88% Practical Project, 12% Extended Essay
Exam Board:


Entrance Criteria:

Standard Entry Criteria plus Grade 5 in GCSE Art or Art Textiles

Topics & Areas Covered:

Year 12

Coursework is based upon a project titled ‘Art in a Time of Crisis’. During the first term, students will be introduced to ways of tackling the theme through teacher-led practical activities. Students will then develop a personal response to the theme by using their preferred methods and materials. In Textiles students will explore and develop techniques involving sculptural textiles, pattern cutting and garment construction and pattern. The role of the teacher is to facilitate the needs of the student through discussion, planning and demonstration of processes.

Year 13

In Year 13 students continue to develop their personal projects by responding to feedback from teachers. The main focus during Terms 1 and 2 will be the making of final pieces for each project. In addition to their practical coursework, students will also write an extended essay about their work and the artists and designers that have influenced them.

Final Examination

The course concludes with the final examination. Students receive the exam paper in February and have 10 weeks to respond to the theme by developing research, creating visual imagery and exploring methods of work. At the end of the preparatory period, students complete a 15-hour exam spread over three days in the studio. These two elements make up 40% of the final mark.

Career Pathways:
  • Architect
  • Interior Designer
  • Textiles Designer
  • Art Teacher
  • Sign Writer
  • Scenery Painter
  • Landscape Architect
  • Graphic Designer
  • Animator
  • Floristry
Additional Information: Students studying any of our art subjects will have the opportunity to participate in life drawing classes, gallery visits and meet with visiting artists.
AS/A-Level This course can only be studied as a two year qualification. It cannot be studied as a one year course.